In what may be the most interesting news of September, Wallace finds himself motivated, irrational, level-headed, and myriad conflicting, non-conflicting adjectives. He's somewhat smug and pleased. Things lacking from his usual repertoire. 3.4 hours of troubleshooting a CSS padding issue dealing with the newer release of Firefox, and the "a-ha" 1.4 second moment of discovery pleased him to no end. One part for others, one part for himself. Small things like this have been building up, and exploding in azure-sky non-fireworks.

Every time Wallace blinks it seems as though he falls into a dream. The blinks are no longer than usual, but the majesty and wonder of the moments is elongated into a symphony of hope. Perhaps soon he won't have to sleep.


portia-lot said...

Abundance is coming... all we must do is put out the intention and make our steps toward our goals and desires. When you start to make a journal of the prosperity and abundance coming your way- one thing at a time- you will raise your awareness of the Universe sending Goodness your way. Sometimes abundance is a double-cheeseburger when you ordered a single. Sometimes it's getting what you wanted out of a divorce settlement instead of what you thought you'd have to settle for. Sometimes, it's a free case of Fiji because it was priced incorrectly and the store policy grants the item to you free if it is priced wrong. Start noticing. Next thing you know, abundance will gain momentum.- keep track - you'll see. Express gratitude, that's the key... and keep moving toward your goals/dreams! - Portia